John H. Link, Senior, was born on November 18, 1885 to Isadore and Teresa Kempker Link in West Point, Iowa. His brother, William J. (W.J.), was Walt’s grandfather.
Good measuring tools are important for many different projects. Whether you are in the workshop, the studio, or the kitchen, being accurate can mean the difference between success or not the best results. Cooking is very forgiving, but I like to measure all the ingredients the first time I try a recipe. Having the right tools at hand can make it easier to enjoy the process.
I have been scanning in photos and adding to the family history. When I found this picture of two cousins, I spent some time finding out more about them. Kathryn Link is Walt’s great-aunt, and Helen Brockman Hummert was her cousin on the Kempker side of the family. I browsed through the pictures and found a couple more photos with them.

I’ve done a couple of posts on pies, but I was making one this weekend and decided to show making filling from fresh berries. I used fresh blueberries for this one, but you can use can use any combination of blueberries, strawberries, gooseberries, and raspberries.

Walt’s great grandfather John Swisher Hole was born on November 4, 1840 in Darke County Ohio. His parents were James Anderson and Mary Ann Swisher Hole.
Sometimes a picture can take you deep down a rabbit hole. I found this picture of Walt’s great-grandmother, Ann (or Anna) Redmond Fisher. It was taken sometime before 1919, but I don’t know the exact date.
We love to backpack, but it isn’t always an option. We are fortunate to have some really amazing parks not far from where we live. Eagle Creek Park is a city park in Indianapolis. We have hiked many of the trails in the park.
It’s been so much fun to dig through the pictures. I found a couple of great ones with Walt’s Grandma Link this time. Lizzie was born April 2, 1890.