Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Tag: gencon

Arrrr Mateys! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. We have enjoyed celebrating this for several years now and thought we should invite our readers along for the fun!

GM On the Road – Organizing for Conventions

This year I am hosting some games at two conventions, Origins Game Fair and Gen Con. One takes place out of state. The other is a 45-minute drive from home. In both cases I need to pack everything I need. But I must pack light, because I have to carry the game materials a fair distance through the convention to get to my game table. So today, let’s talk about organizing for conventions.

Belated Congratulations to Dave Wulatin!

McSweeney’s has now published two articles by Dave. That’s pretty exciting!

We went to GenCon!

One of our favorite events each year is GenCon. We have been attending every year since it moved to Indianapolis (even 2020 when we participated in online events).

There is so much to see and do at GenCon. You can play board, card, and role-playing games. There are seminars and hands-on classes.

Here are a few pictures from this year. The event is spread out across the convention center, several hotels, Lucas Oil Stadium and Georgia Street. There are banners on the light posts and fun things to see outside the convention center.

Image shows a large inflatable robot in grey, green, and yellow. It stand outside the Indianapolis Convention center.
The Catalyst Games robot

A group has “yarn bombed” the event for the past couple of years. They even have a game. This year, they asked for knitted sections of yarn to decorate the giant planters outside the convention center. They put tags on the sections and we saw ones from all over the world.

Walking the halls

The hallways are busy and you get to see all kinds of neat costumes and displays.

The dragon in the background above has a special meaning. The artist who creates these amazing balloon sculptures has been attending for the last several years. This year, he made Genevieve, the mascot for GenCon. He auctions off the chance to pop the creation for charity, one of several events that GenCon hosts to support a local charity or two.

She’s enormous! The grass was about 2 feet tall and the dragon was about 15 feet tall.

In the dealer hall

In the dealer hall, you can find games galore but there are a lot of other things to check out.

Crowning the winner!

One of our favorite things about GenCon is getting to see people at events year after year. We have been playing with a couple of groups including the fun folks at Evil Fleet Productions who run role playing games. The run a game called Can of Whupass and the winner is crowned with silly string.

We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into a trip to GenCon!

Employee of the Month: Grbak the Troll

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