We became the family historians kind of by accident. Walt always says that his brothers elected him when he wasn’t there. At any rate, we were given a bunch of typed and hand-written sheets of family history and genealogy put together by Georgie (Walt’s mom) and Leonard Brune, Georgie’s second cousin. There were also photocopies of newspaper clippings and a few documents.
Month: January 2022
Just over a year ago we started our blog. It has been… interesting.
When I think of a farm, I naturally think of a tractor. Every farm has a tractor. Most farmers have more than one. Even when I was a kid, farmers would have a “small” tractor for routine hauling and lifting jobs, and a bigger tractor for plowing, cultivating, and other heavy field work.
But in the early 20th century, most farms didn’t have any tractors at all. Farms were smaller, and the most of the work was done with horses or oxen. Tractors did exist, but they were specialist tools. They needed a different set of skills to maintain and operate, and they were quite costly. Since a typical farm only needed a tractor for a few days a year, it made more sense to pay someone to run their tractor than to buy your own.
Glen McCain was born January 14, 1907 in Ohio. His parents were Charles Hudson MaCain and Sarah Jane Hoel. Sarah was the sister of William Henry Hoel, Walt’s grandfather.
It’s a bit of a let down to put away the holiday decor. All the bright colors and lights brighten up winter days. We take down our tree after Epiphany. There is one bit of Christmas that is always the last piece to be put away.
Sometimes you can go back a ways. The Kellogg family line has been traced back for many generations.

I wrote about pie crust in this post, but my pictures were of a two crust pie. When you are making a single crust pie with an unbaked filling, such as pudding, you need to pre-bake the crust. This is often called blind baking a crust.
Some recipes may call for par baking, which means to partially cook a crust.
To keep the crust from puffing up too much, you need to treat it in some way. You can pierce it all over with a fork or you can use some sort of weights.