We love to backpack, but it isn’t always an option. We are fortunate to have some really amazing parks not far from where we live. Eagle Creek Park is a city park in Indianapolis. We have hiked many of the trails in the park.

Last weekend was Owl Fest at the park. This annual event is held to raise funds to care for the raptors who live at the park. I’m am an avid owl fan and was excited to go check out the events at the park.

We spent time wandering the paths around the Ornithology Center, and had some great views of the Bird Sanctuary.

Looking out over the bird sanctuary.

Walt was invited to do some storytelling at the event.

Walt telling the story of How the Owl Got His Wisdom.

There were a number of other performers at the event, and we got to enjoy several musicians and poetry readings. We also got to see a number of exhibits about owls and other raptors. While we were there, a bald eagle was sighted on the reservoir.

I enjoy checking out the park at different times of the year. There is an amazing diversity of plants and birds to see. These pictures were from last summer, looking from the other side of the Bird Sanctuary.

Do you have a favorite local park in your town?