Down the Rabbit Hoel

Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

The Mouli Salad Maker – kitchen gadgets from the past

There are any number of tools that let a cook slice and grate foods. I have a couple of hand graters and a food processor. But one of my favorite tools if I don’t have a lot of food to process is my Mouli. It “slices, chops, shreds, grates, and shaves ice” according to it’s manual.

Image shows a metal kitchen tool with 5 discs with various patterns of opening.
The Mouli Salad Maker with it’s five cutting discs.

An Important Announcement! No, Really!

We’re having a great time writing the blog. It’s been an interesting learning experience, and it has really flexed our writing muscles.

But the holidays are coming up fast, and both of us have some other projects underway as well. So….

Happy Birthday, Tony!

This week would mark my brother Tony’s 73rd birthday. Sadly, we lost him in 2005. Here are some pictures to remember him by.

Marty and Tony, around 1952.

The Keeper of Secrets: All About GM Screens

It’s time I talk about GM screens. I’ve written a slew of posts about what goes on behind the screen. I keep showing a picture of one. I’ve even said I should write a post about them. So I am. You’re welcome.

See the standing cardboard thing with all the charts? That’s the screen.

It really is a Thing-a-Ma-Jig! Another beading tool.

In my last few posts, here, here, and here, I’ve been talking about beads and beading projects. Here’s a look at another tool that allows you to do interesting things with wire and beads.

Image shows a metal board with holes in it. Some of the holes have pegs of assorted sizes and wire is wrapped around the pegs.
The wire jig and some wire.

Happy 104th Birthday, Georgie!

This week would mark Georgina’s 104th birthday. We lost her in 2004, but here are a few pictures to remember her by.

Georgie in 1928

The Roles of the Gamemaster – The Role Of Narrator

In this post I touched on the roles of the gamemaster (also known as the DM) in a roleplaying game (RPG). That only scratched the surface, so in this post we started digging a little deeper. Today we’re going to grab our shovels again and pick up where we left off. This time we’re going to explore the role of narrator.

A quick project: Memory wire bracelet

Last week, I showed some of the tools I use while making jewelry in this post. One of my favorite quick projects are memory wire bracelets. Here is the process that I use.

The image shows several beaded bracelets on a tan background. The dominant colors in each bracelet are aqua blue, yellow, red and purple.
Most of these are single wrap, but you can do multiple wraps like the purple one.

Generations in family photos: a glimpse back in time

It’s neat to see pictures of family gatherings, but I really enjoy those with multiple generations in one picture. Browsing through the pictures, I found a couple of really good ones, including one with 4 generations!

The Roles of the Gamemaster – The Role of Actor

In this post I touched on the roles of the gamemaster (also known as the DM) in a roleplaying game (RPG). That only scratched the surface, so in this post and this post we dug a little deeper. Today we’re going to grab our shovels again and pick up where we left off. This time we’re going to look at the role of actor.

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