It’s neat to see pictures of family gatherings, but I really enjoy those with multiple generations in one picture. Browsing through the pictures, I found a couple of really good ones, including one with 4 generations!

This picture shows four generations. Isadore Link was born in 1860. His son William (WJ) was born in 1884. Louise was born in 1921, and John was born in 1942. Isadore is Walt’s great-grandfather and WJ is his grandfather.
On the other side of the family, this picture shows Walt’s great-grandfather John Swisher Hoel (also spelled Hole) with his grandson Glen McCain. John was born in 1840, and Glen was born in 1908.

Of course, it’s not hard to find picture of grandparents and grand kids, but they are always fun. Here is one of Walt’s Grandma Link with some of her grandkids at Christmas in 1968.

Jackie Cataldo
This is great, Michelle! I never saw a picture of Grandpa Isadore. Any ideas of where this picture was taken? I don’t recognize the house in the background. Maybe Walt knows?
It may have been at Isadore’s farm (later Uncle Albert’s). I remember the house being pretty nice, but I never roamed around it much.