There are any number of tools that let a cook slice and grate foods. I have a couple of hand graters and a food processor. But one of my favorite tools if I don’t have a lot of food to process is my Mouli. It “slices, chops, shreds, grates, and shaves ice” according to it’s manual.

My Mouli came from mom. It’s aluminum with rubber feet and knob on the handle. There are some plastic ones.

The markings on the Mouli Salad Marker

You slip a disc in the base of the Mouli and insert the handle. To get a couple of pictures for this post, I grated some carrots for marinara sauce. I can quickly do enough carrots for a double or triple batch.
I loaded the carrots into the hopper. You press down on the pressure bar and turn the handle.

By choosing the proper disc, you can get slices or grated vegetables of various sizes.
It’s fun to have the original instructions for the Mouli.

The instructions
So, I was looking at options for storing the discs. I also had the discs for my food processor to store as well. Poking around the storage I had around the house, I found an old container for holding 5.25 inch floppy discs. I washed it and it works great.

It may be a kitchen tool from the past, but it works great today!
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