Down the Rabbit Hoel

Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Happy birthday cousin Maria Kuhlmann

Maria Kulhmann was born on April 7, 1894 in Bokel, Germany. She is Walt’s 1st cousin twice removed. Her mother was Maria Elisabeth Wellman, Gerhard Wellman’s sister. I found out a bit about her from the ship’s manifest from her emigration from Germany.

Chicken with rapier and dagger

Okay, the recipe is actually Chicken Florentine. But Walt always calls it Chicken with Rapier and Dagger. The “rapier and dagger” refers to a commonly held belief that the Florentine style of fencing was with a rapier in your main hand and a dagger in your off hand. In fact it simply refers to fencing using two weapons.

Happy Birthday Great- Grandma Anna Redmond Fisher

Anna Redmond was born on March 31, 1833 in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania to Thomas Allen and Catherine Moore Redmond. She was Walt’s great-grandmother.

Excuses, Excuses! Why You Missed The Adventure

We love playing RPG’s, and we hate to miss a session, but we’re grownups (technically), and sometimes life happens. Everyone understands why players have to miss a session once in a while. But during that game you missed, a bunch of things happened. The player’s character missed it, somehow. Why were they gone? There must be a reason. Here’s a few to get you started!

Happy birthday Stacy Pollpeter

Stacy Pollpeter was born on March 24, 1906 to John and Catherine Boeding Pollpeter in West Point, Iowa. He married Rose Brune on November 23, 1937. Rose is Walt’s second cousin twice removed.

Yet Another Attempt at Erbswurst

soup’s on!

Last week, we trialed making Erbswurst and covered some of the issues we had with the recipes. This week, we are trying it again, with a few changes from last time. Overall, we were very happy with the results.

Great Aunt Kathryn Link

We mentioned Kathryn a couple of times in other posts. Most recently we featured her and her cousin Helen in this post. Kathryn was the fourth child born to Isadore and Teresa Kempker Link, born on April 10, 1890 in West Point.

An experiment worth trying – Erbswurst

In this post, we talked about erbswurst, what it was, and why we were interested in it. In today’s post, we will explore our first attempts at making it.

Image shows a bamboo tray with two bowls and one cup of soup on it. There is also a pepper grinder and an salt cellar on the tray.
An assortment of erbswurst for taste testing.

Erbswurst: Family History On the Table

We always enjoy when our interests come together in a cool way. We are both interested in history, including military history and (obviously) family history. Both of us love cooking and experimenting with food. We also like to camp. So when we found a couple of videos about Erbswurst, we had to go down that rabbit hole!

Collapsing Stock For a Custom Crosman 1322 – Part 3

In my first and second posts on the subject, I only really discussed the metal parts of the collapsing stock for my custom Crosman 1322. Those are important, of course, but we’ve left out the part that actually touches the shooter – the shoulder pad. I chose to 3D print it, so I would have a lot of design flexibility. That worked, but I made some mistakes along the way. I learned a lot, and maybe you can learn something too!

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