Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Author: Michelle Page 7 of 35

Happy Birthday Mary C. Fullenkamp Strothman!

Mary C Fullenkamp was born on April 6, 1848 to Johannes and Katherina Droppelmann Fullenkamp. Mary is related to Walt through the Link side of the family.

Talkin’ ’bout my substitution – oops I ran out!

I try to do a good job with menu planning so that I know I have all of the ingredients I need to make a dish. Sometimes, you don’t have what you need to cook a recipe. So what do you do? How about a substitution?

Happy birthday Helen Brockman Hummert

Helen Brockman was born on March 29, 1891 to William and Mary Kempker Brockman in West Point, Iowa. She is Walt’s 1st cousin twice removed.

Happy anniversary Frank and Mary Link

Frank Link and Mary Frazier were married on March 22, 1864 in Harrison County, Ohio. Frank is Walt’s 3rd great uncle.

Happy birthday Elizabeth Harmeyer Nichting!

Elizabeth Harmeyer was born on March 15, 1894 to Gerhard and Mary Menke Harmeyer in West Point, Iowa. She is a distant relation of Walt’s on the Wellman side of the family.

Adding flash to a simple quilt border

When you are designing a quilt, there are several parts of the process. The main body of the quilt is one part. Borders are another part to design. I often wait until the main part of the quilt is done before I decide on a border. Sometimes, I like to add more to the design than a simple border.

Happy birthday Aunt Sadie Ransbottom!

Sarah Elizabeth Hoel was born on March 8, 1893 to William Henry and Martha Ann Fisher Hoel in Mercer County, Ohio. Sadie is Walt’s aunt, the oldest sister of his father.

Easy deviled eggs – experiment away

Deviled or stuffed eggs have a long history – much longer than most people realize. The term “deviled” in cooking refers to something that has been cooked with fiery or hot spices, typically mustard and cayenne.

Happy birthday Conrad Boeding!

Conrad (Konrad) Boeding was born on March 1, 1824 in Nuenkirchen, Germany, to Franz Xavier and Anna Lodenkemper Boeding. Conrad is not a direct relation, but is the half great uncle of Genevieve Boeding, who I wrote in this post.

Pick up sticks – another scraps quilt project

Over my Christmas break, I had the flu. I wasn’t feeling well enough to do much of anything, but I did wander up to the studio towards the end of the week. I had a pile of scraps sitting by my sewing table and decided to stitch them together and see what happened.

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