Aloysious Harmeyer was born on May 10, 1878 in Lee County, Iowa. His parents were Joseph and Maria Kempker Harmeyer. Al Harmeyer is a distant relation of Walt’s on the Wellman side of the family.

Al’s parents were both arrivals from Germany. His father Joseph arrived in 1843. His mother Mary came over with her family in 1835 as a four year old child.

Al was the youngest of 10 children born to Joseph and Mary (Maria) Harmeyer. We find the family living in West Point Township on a farm in 1880, when Al was just 2 years old. 19oo finds Al working on his family’s farm.

On Jun 21, 1910, Al Harmeyer married Eda Lohman. Eda is the daughter of August and Clara Holzfoester Lohman. I found this announcement for the marriage in the Fort Madison Evening Democrat.

We find that Al is a well known amateur actor in the area and a member of the West Point Cornet Band. He is working on his own farm at this point.

He registered for the draft for both WWI and WWII. In the 1920 census, Al is working in a hardware store. In 1920, we find them living in West Point on Madison Street.

He and Eda took in the Mary Catherine Lohman. Mary was the daughter of Eda’s brother John and his wife Mary Fullenkamp Lohman. The elder Mary died just a couple of weeks after Mary Catherine was born.

Through the 1930s and 1940s, Al was working as a plumber in West Point. By the 1950 census, Al and Eda are retired and still living in West Point. Al died in April 25, 1965.

Georgie mentions the Al’s wife Eda made really good cake in her memories here. Al Harmeyer is also given a mention in this post.