Albert Strothman and Mayme Schutte were married on April 19, 1932, in West Point, Iowa. Albert is the son of Casper and Mary Strothman. His sister Mary married Walt’s 2nd great-uncle Eustace Link.

Albert is ninth child born to Casper and Mary Fullenkamp Strothman. He was born in November of 1887 in West Point, Iowa. Albert lived his life in the West Point area, working on the family farm. He served in World War I in the army.

I found a military transport record for him leaving New York on a ship called the Olympic on August 9, 1918. It lists Albert as a private in Company “D” 349th infantry. He is about half-way down the page.

After the war, Albert returned to his family’s farm and continued to work there for a few more years.

Mary Elizabeth Schutte was born on November 20, 1896 to Henry and Elizabeth Kaltefleiter Schutte in St. Paul, Iowa. Mayme, as she was known, is the eldest of 4 daughters born to the family. 1920 finds her still living at home. By 1930, she is living with her grandfather John Kaltefleiter and great uncle Herman. Mayme is working as a domestic servant. John is a mail carrier at age 78.

Marriage of Albert and Mayme

Albert and Mayme married on April 19th, 1932, at St. Mary’s in West Point. Father Grothe was the officiant.

Albert and Mayme had one daughter. They continued to live in West Point, Iowa for the rest of their lives. Albert died on March 26, 1965. Mayme died on May 3, 1984. They are buried in Calvary Cemetery.

I wrote about Albert’s mother, Mary Fullenkamp Strothman, in this post.