I’ve written a fair number of posts on cooking and recipes. I thought you might appreciate a glimpse into how I store my cookbooks and recipes.

In my post about favorite recipes, I mentioned that I have a binder for my go to recipes. This was a Christmas gift a number of years ago. It’s from a company called Cookbook People (no affiliation). It works well for either typed recipes or handwritten ones.

I usually try a recipe several times, tweaking it as I go. Once I have a recipe to my liking, I type it up on my computer. I have an older version of the program MasterCook (again, no affiliation) that lets me print out the recipes to the size I wish. I have a few new recipes to type up and add to my binder when I get a chance, like the one for tagine. A recipe card box still lives in my kitchen – there are a few cards in there that I am working on adapting recipes before I add them to the binder.

Cookbook storage

I also have a fair number of cookbooks. I like to keep them easy to grab when I am cooking. Since my kitchen is rather small and lacking in counter space, I have a small rolling cart where I keep my most frequently used cookbooks.

You’ll likely recognize some of the books from previous posts.

The rest of my cookbooks are kept on a shelf in the stairwell to the basement. We have a split level house and the basement stairs are right next to the kitchen door. I would love to have all the books together but I don’t have a good spot. I’ve actually gotten rid of a fair number of cookbooks over the years. I looked seriously at them and only kept the ones I used.

These are the books I am not into quite as much.

One thing that I do have in my kitchen is a couple of hangers for placing a recipe while you are cooking. This one was mounted to the tile near my stove. There were a couple of holes from an old utensil rack. Walt used his shop to make a backing piece for the holder. I have another like this that is magnetic that hangs on the fridge near my stand mixer.

I like the convenience of being able to read the recipe with out taking any counter space. There are many online places to get recipes, but I like to have the full ingredients and direction in front of me. I have messed up meals by scrolling past a key point. So how do you store your cookbooks and recipes?