Elizabeth Becker was born on May 31, 1848 to Henry and Catherine Becker in Lee County, Iowa. Elizabeth is a distant relation on the Link side of the family.

Elizabeth was the first member of the family born in the United Sates. Her older brother Stephan was born in Prussia, as were both of her parents. I know little about her parents except that her father was a farmer.

She lived in West Point her entire life. On October 11, 1865, she married Johann Heinrich Boeding. John was a farmer and they had nine children together. I found this picture of them, but am not sure when it was taken.

Image show a couple from around 1900. The woman has a white collar and a dark dress with ruffles on the from. The man has white hair and a full white beard. He is wearing a plaid coat.

John Boeding is the son of Franz and Ann Boeding. I wrote about Franz in this post. John died on April 18, 1902. Elizabeth Becker Boeding lived in West Point until your death on October 15, 1939.