There’s nothing like a bowl of hot chili on a chilly day. But as soon as you talk about making chili on the Internet some twit will tell you that yours isn’t “real” chili because of <insert reason here>. So, for the benefit of such people, I’ve now created a handy checklist they can use to decide what’s wrong with the chili you’re offering. While they’re busy doing that, I’ll grab the last bowl from the pot. It isn’t quite like I’d make, but it’s tasty just the same. And if the picky people go hungry it serves them right!

A checklist to explain why your chili is wrong.

I’m of course sure you would never use such a list yourself. After all, you’re gracious enough to take the food that’s offered and appreciate it. But in case you know anyone who lacks good manners, here’s a downloadable checklist for them.*

*Neither the author nor are responsible for any chili you may wear as a result of using this list.