Arnold Wellman was born on September 13, 1929 in West Point, Iowa. Arnold is Walt’s first cousin once removed.
Author: Michelle Page 4 of 35
For the last few years, Walt and I have been using waxed cloth wrappers for our sandwiches instead of plastic bags. It’s a small way to reduce our waste, but drying them proved a bit challenging. Here’s the solution we came up with.
Maria Catherina Kruempelmann was both on September 6, 1857 in Bokel, Germany. She is Walt’s great-grandmother Wellman.
Charles Helmer was born on August 30, 1880. He married Lydia Ellen Hole, the sister of Walt’s grandfather William Henry Hoel.
George Aloysius (Al) Link was born on August 23, 1863 in New Vienna, Iowa. Al is Walt’s 2nd Great Uncle. His brother Isadore is Walt’s Great Grandfather.

Gerhard Wellman was born on August 16, 1857 in Besten by Ankum, Germany. Gerhard is Walt’s great grandfather.
Gerhard’s parents were Johann and Catharina Heil Wellman. He was the fifth child born to the union.
Katherina Delker Spexarth was born on August 9, 1824 in Varensell, Germany. Her parents were Johannes and Maria Delker. Katherina is related to the Wellman side of Walt’s family. So today is her 200th birthday.
We had an amazing long weekend at Gen Con 2024. We ran games, played games and attended seminars and workshops. Trekking the halls and the dealer hall we walked for miles every day. We are exhausted but excited with how the weekend went.
William J Link and Elizabeth Wellman were married on August 2, 1916 at St. Mary’s Church in West Point, Iowa. WJ and Lizzie are Walt’s grandparents.