Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Author: Michelle Page 30 of 35

Tools of the trade: Stiletto for the sewing room

I remember a quilting class where the instructor had a porcupine quill in her tools. It seemed like an odd item to find in a sewing kit, but when she showed us how she used it, I promptly got one for myself.

Image shows a sewing machine with fabric being fed through the stitching area.
Holding down the seam allowance.

When you are making a quilt, you sew across multiple seams, and it can be difficult to get everything to lie flat while you are doing this. A stiletto helps keep things lined up and neat.

The long narrow tip allows you to guide the fabric through the machine without getting you fingers close to the needle. I personally have never (knock on wood) stitched through a finger, but I know a number of people who have.

You can use a stiletto to punch a hole in fabric or leather, either for stitching of adding grommets. It can be used to help turn the edge of applique under before stitching it down.

A fancy brass stiletto

image shows a brass stiletto in two parts.

I had seen a brass stiletto with a needle tip. It had a cap to protect the tip from getting damaged and reduce the risk of it poking anyone or anything when not in use. I showed it to Walt, and he decided he would try to make one. He made several, some which were used a gifts and some that were sold.

He will show you more about how he made them in one of his shop project posts.

I use mine every time I am at the sewing machine.

Image shows a porcupine quill and a stiletto with the sections connected
The porcupine quill I started with and the brass stiletto Walt made for me.

Discharged in good order – Gerhard’s military service record

Last week, I showed Maria Catherina Krumpelmann’s birth certificate and the process used to translate it. That was not the only document that was translated for us. Today, we’ll take a look at Gerhard Wellman’s service record. The same process was used as in the other document.

An original German document about the service of Gerhard Wellman in the late 1870s.

Creativity across generations – knitting a story of love

My Grandma James sewed, knit, and did other hand work. My mom taught me how to use a sewing machine and makes quilts and does beautiful embroidery. I have tried my hand at a wide variety of crafts over the years and still do a wide variety of things. I enjoy having projects I can take with me to fill time at appointments and when I am traveling. Knitting fills that wonderfully, and I enjoy it even more knowing I am using my grandma’s tools.

A pair of knitting needles with purple yarn.
My current scarf.

Even in the 1880’s, you needed a copy of your birth certificate

In a previous post, I discussed the challenges one can encounter when translating a document. Translation becomes more difficult when the document is more than 100 years old.

Can’t find what you need? Make it! Oven Mitts

I really like to cook, but I have to admit that I am not the safest in the kitchen when it comes to hot objects. I have bumped my hands and arms more times that I would care to admit when I am taking things out of the oven.

They hang where I can easily get them in my kitchen.

I had been looking for a set of longer oven mitts for a long time, and everything I found had really large hands, so much so that I was having trouble grasping things. It was like putting on a pair of oversized mittens and trying to pick small things up. So I decided to make my own.

I had a fun botanical print that went well with my kitchen decor. I purchased some insulated batting called Insul-Bright©. It is a polyester and mylar batting that can be sewn on a regular sewing machine. I have since used it in other projects.

Going on a class picnic – 1934 West Point Iowa

There was a message on our voicemail from a gentleman who went to school in West Point. It was delightful to talk with him. I wasn’t aware that there was a West Point Iowa Facebook Group, and I have enjoyed reading bits of the West Point Bee and seeing pictures posted on the group.

I thought that a glimpse of the school picnic from 1934, taken at the Fairgrounds would be fun pictures to share this week.

Triple layered delight – making the best German Chocolate Cake

Every year for Walt’s birthday I make German Chocolate Cake. The recipe comes from the Iowa State Fair Cookbook from 1985.

Here it is in all it’s glory!

A Fourth of July celebration for a special lady

My Grandma James was born on July 4, 1912. We always enjoyed celebrating her birthday, and as many of us as possible came to Watertown, South Dakota, every year.

Irene Belle Hodge was born to Clyde and Bessie May Trevettt Hodge in Emerson. Nebraska. She married Claude James and they had 7 children. She was a nurse in Watertown for many years.

A picture of Michelle's aunts, uncles and grandmother
Grandma and her kids on her birthday in 1992.
Chuck, Paul, Lynda, Mardell, Claudette, Sherrey, Grandma and Delores

Take along sewing kits for the traveling crafter

I dislike sitting idly and doing nothing, so I often take small sewing projects along with me when I have appointments or I am traveling. It might be knitting, cross-stitch, a beading project, or a hand-pieced or appliqued quilting project.

I used to just toss the tools in a bag and go, but found myself hunting for the various things I needed. So I spent some time thinking about what I needed for my projects and sat down with pencil and paper to design a kit (or two) for travel. Stick on hook and loop tape keeps the kits closed.

This shows two small cases used to hold supplies for travel.
I found this fun fabric to use to make the kits, and then picked a couple of complimentary colors for the interior.

Reading the writing on the wall, or any other document.

Sometimes the challenge in genealogy is sorting out language differences, both in translation and in writing styles. In his post about the Bruegenhemke place, Walt mentioned high and low German. We will look at that and then look at writing patterns.


Low German, High German
A picture of Elizabeth Wellman Link and her Uncle Anton Heinrich Kruempelmann.
Lizzie and her uncle Anton Kruempelmann. Anton, like Lizzie’s mom, Maria Catharina, was born in Germany.

German language has several dialects, just like many other languages.  High German is the official written language of Germany. It is based on the spoken languages of the highlands of southern Germany and is spoken in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.  Low German is based in old Saxon language and is not spoken much these days except in certain areas in northern Germany.  It does not have an extensive amount of literature like high German does. 

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