There was a message on our voicemail from a gentleman who went to school in West Point. It was delightful to talk with him. I wasn’t aware that there was a West Point Iowa Facebook Group, and I have enjoyed reading bits of the West Point Bee and seeing pictures posted on the group.
I thought that a glimpse of the school picnic from 1934, taken at the Fairgrounds would be fun pictures to share this week.

Almost all the people in the picture are identified:
Foreground Cecelia Bergthold. 1st row-Delores Wellman, Elvera Lampe, Nellie Robinson, Eleanor Hulsman. 2nd row – Georgina Link, Mary Lucille Lampe, Mary C. Lohman, Evelyn Brune. 3rd row – Mary Box, ?, Anna Marie Fullenkamp, Aretas Walljasper, Mary Louise Loving, Germaine Wellman
Georgina graduated in 1936, so this would have been her sophomore year.

Another picture from the same picnic. Not as many people are identified in this picture.
1st row – Mary Box, Anna Marie Fullenkamp, Elvera Lampe, Dorothy Menke, Georgina Link, Peggy Lampe. 2nd row – Cletus Lampe, Jack Snaadt, James Wheeler, Richard Fullenkamp. Next row – Delores Wellman, Mary Louise Loving, Sister Firma. In Back – Evelyn Brune (w/ bottle) Cecelia Bergthold, Aretas Walljasper, Germaine Wellman, others.
Sarah Wheeler
Cool! My father was James Wheeler pictured here. It’s interesting that most boys have ties on. I suspect they had to wear ties to school? Or was that just for the picnic?
I’m not really sure. But it seems like you’d be less likely to wear a tie at a picnic than on a regular day, so they were probably required all the time.