I was at work when my phone pinged with an incoming message. Usually it’s Michelle, asking a question. So I checked it as soon as I was decently able. It wasn’t Michelle. The analytics package we use on this site was congratulating us – we’ve reached a big milestone!
When you are doing family research, it can be tricky to track all of the relationships. I thought it might be helpful to explain what some of the relationship descriptors actually mean. My software helps me sort it all out, but it’s not too complicated if you know where to start.
I may be getting old, but I still don’t believe it’s hip to be square. Nevertheless, I expect my carpenter’s square to be at least as square as Pat Boone. But how do you test a square to find out?
Let me level with you: a lot of levels at the stores aren’t actually level. If you use such a tool to hang a picture or mount a shelf to the wall, you’re not going to like the result. Today I’m going to show you how to test a level before you buy it.
Kenneth Andrew Shively was born on August 4, 1913, to George and Dana Hoel Shively. Dana Hoel was the daughter of John and Lydia Hoel. He was born in Lansing, Michigan. Kenneth is Walt’s first cousin once removed.
The first baby quilt I made in flannel was a jungle themed quilt. I was making it for a co-worker. She was doing a jungle theme for the nursery, so I did my best to come up with a fun quilt. This was another quilt where I didn’t have a pattern, just some sketches of jungle animals.
Mathilda Rose Link, best known as Tillie, was born on July 28, 1915. She is the daughter of John H and Josephine Schulte Link. She was Walt’s 1st cousin once removed.
I recently wrote about preparing to run games at a convention – specifically at Origins Game Fair. That’s over now, so let’s look at how things went.
Arthur Hilbrands and Myrtle Ester Hoel married on July 21, 1936 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Myrtle is Walt’s 1st cousin once removed.