Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Happy birthday Aunt Billie

Wilma Ada Link was born on July 12, 1933 in West Point, Iowa. Her parents were William John and Elizabeth Wellman Link. Billie is Walt’s aunt.

Billie was the youngest child born to W.J. and Lizzie Link. I wrote about Lizzie in this post. Georgie, their eldest, was 16 when she was born. I have this fun picture of Billie as a little girl when she was around 2 years old.

Billie grew up in West Point. In high school she worked part time as a telephone operator. She moved to the Chicago area after graduating.

On July 10, 1954 Billie married Harry Buckles. Buck, as he was commonly known, and Billie made their home in Oak Park for a while, and later moved to Fox Lake, Illinois. They had two children together and ran a successful trucking business for many years.

Family was very important to them and there were many trips back to the West Point area, and many visits by Walt’s family to see them in Illinois.

Aunt Billie died on March 6, 2002, in Fox Lake, Illinois.


In Memorium – Kenmore Plus


Car camping? A mini kitchen to go

1 Comment

  1. Hanis Sandra

    Aunt Billie was my favorite Aunt. When I was a kid, we adored when she came to live with us for high school. She was always so fun and always so good to my family. I miss her laugh!

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