Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Author: Michelle Page 23 of 35

Georgie’s Memories – Part 5: At School

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

Elementary School

I started to school in September 1924.  There was no kindergarten then, no school buses.  The 1st Grade had a room to themselves but most rooms had 2 grades in them.  There were no lay teachers – the school was run entirely by sisters.  They were the Franciscans of Perpetual Adoration and the mother house was in La Crosse, Wisconsin. 

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

Elementary School

I started to school in September 1924.  There was no kindergarten then, no school buses.  The 1st Grade had a room to themselves but most rooms had 2 grades in them.  There were no lay teachers – the school was run entirely by sisters.  They were the Franciscans of Perpetual Adoration and the mother house was in La Crosse, Wisconsin. 

What to do with leftovers – from a quilt!

Sometimes you have some odds and ends left over from a project. This can be something you cooked or something you made. Here is an example of using the cut off parts of a quilt I made a few years ago for a cousin’s grandbaby.

Georgie’s Memories – Part 4: Horses

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

Horses in everyday life

When we lived at the Bruegenhempke Place (which was a farm owned by Grandpa Wellman – the house was a log house covered with white siding) Grandpa always drove over with the team hitched to a farm wagon or the spring wagon as it was called.  When there was a lot of snow in the winter, he would hook up the bob sled.  I remember one horse was called Prince and sometimes Grandpa would ride him.  He enjoyed riding horseback.  Farming was done with horses and everybody raised hay.

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

Horses in everyday life

When we lived at the Bruegenhempke Place (which was a farm owned by Grandpa Wellman – the house was a log house covered with white siding) Grandpa always drove over with the team hitched to a farm wagon or the spring wagon as it was called.  When there was a lot of snow in the winter, he would hook up the bob sled.  I remember one horse was called Prince and sometimes Grandpa would ride him.  He enjoyed riding horseback.  Farming was done with horses and everybody raised hay.

Georgie’s Memories – Part 3: And Automobiles

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.


Since I was born on October 23, 1917, the automobile and airplane share my infancy.  I remember when there were more horses with wagons or buggies around the square in West Point than there were automobiles. 

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.


Since I was born on October 23, 1917, the automobile and airplane share my infancy.  I remember when there were more horses with wagons or buggies around the square in West Point than there were automobiles. 

Georgie’s Memories – Part 2: Planes and Trains

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.


An airplane passing over was an event recorded in the weekly paper.  People asked each other if they had seen it.  Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic was a headline, a marvel at the time.

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.


An airplane passing over was an event recorded in the weekly paper.  People asked each other if they had seen it.  Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic was a headline, a marvel at the time.

A springtime backpack in Hoosier National Forest

When you spend time backpacking, you get close to nature. We’ve shown you some of the wonderful things we’ve seen out in the woods in other posts. Here’s a look at the variety of critters and plants we saw over a few days this spring.

Early spring brings new green growth with the trees leafing out. These pictures were taken from the top of Frank Grubb Ridge in Deam Wilderness in southern Indiana. It was a grey, misty morning, but you can see the green just starting to show.

Georgie’s Memories – Part 1: At Home

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

Georgie’s Intro – November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

At Home on the Bruegenhempke Place

When I think of it, it is always summer.  I used to get up in the morning, go out to look at the flowers and garden.  If a new flower had opened I would go in to tell my mother and be disappointed if she had already seen it. 

As our family went through my mother’s personal effects, we discovered these essays, handwritten in a spiral notebook. Immediately, we knew we had found a very special look into the early life of someone we loved and admired. We’re sharing them here in the hope that others may enjoy them as well.

Georgie’s Intro – November 23, 1986

These essays are being written because I have often thought how nice it would be if, say, my great-grandmother had written about what life was like when she was growing up. It would have been so interesting to know how people’s daily life and experiences fitted in with the history that was being made at that time.

At Home on the Bruegenhempke Place

When I think of it, it is always summer.  I used to get up in the morning, go out to look at the flowers and garden.  If a new flower had opened I would go in to tell my mother and be disappointed if she had already seen it. 

More about hungry hikers – a table full of food!

I’ve discussed cooking in camp in several different posts (you can see them by searching with the camp cooking tag). When it comes to packing food for a backpacking trip, you have to balance the weight, bulk, and calories to suit your needs.

Happy birthday to a couple of cousins – Mabel and Mildred

Mabel and Mildred are twin sisters. They were born on April 10, 1913 in Coldwater, Ohio to Clarence Arthur and Sarah (Sadie) Elizabeth Hoel Ransbottom. Sadie (Walt’s aunt) had three sets of twins.

Why I love backpacking Part 7: Fungus

One of the more varied things you can see while hiking in the woods is fungus. If you are going mushroom hunting – be sure to consult with an expert before eating any you find!

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