Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Tag: cooking

Cooking at home

Preparing meals for easy week night dinners: Chicken Broccoli Casserole

When Walt or I are home during the day, we enjoy cooking dinner.  When both of us have to work, we like to choose something that is quick and easy so that we are not eating dinner at 8 pm.  One of my methods of dealing with quick, weekday meals is to make bigger batches of meals when I am home and freeze the extras for later.

Dinner is ready!

Soups, chile, and spaghetti sauce are all easy ones to make big batches of and freeze, and we usually have several of these on hand.  I also do casserole dishes and lasagna.  When I make dishes like this, I prepare them in smaller pans. For example, I make lasagna in loaf pans, then freeze it before baking. 

Michelle’s Homemade Bagels

Ready to eat!

No one who knows me is surprised by the fact that I love to cook and bake.  I am not only interested in the end product but the ‘why things work as they do’. One of my favorite books is Cookwise by Shirley O. Corriher.  It is subtitled “The Hows and Whys of Successful Cooking.”

Cooking from the kitchen to the campground: Trail Zuppa

In part one of this post, I covered how we came to doing more of our own dinners on the trail. I shared some my favorite ingredients and resources for making gourmet food on the trail. Now I will share some of what we enjoy.

We took a few favorite dishes from our dinner menu and tried to make them with freeze-dried and dried ingredients. I cook some pretty gourmet food, and have been thrilled with how the dinners have turned out.

So without further ado:

Cooking from the kitchen to the campground

We do a lot of camping, going out as often as we can work it into our schedule. While we enjoy the convenience of freeze-dried dinners, we have found that there are sometimes things we don’t like about them.

• They may not have enough food to satisfy after a long day of hiking. I suppose we could each eat a dinner, but that gets bulky and expensive.
• They may be too bland or too spicy for our taste. The former is easy to fix, but the latter offers challenges.
• They can be bulky. The size and weight for the calories is uneven, and a long trip means a full pack.
• They can be expensive. Compared to a restaurant, it’s not too bad, but on a long trip it can be prohibitive.

So we have experimented with a variety of do-it-yourself options.

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