Stories of family, creativity, and diverse distractions.

Hope You Had a Happy Labor Day!

As the old saying goes, we celebrated labor by loafing all day. Actually, hiked at a local county park with the dog. Here’s a few pictures!

It’s an interesting place. Hiking trails, horse stables, and an archeological site.
This is a bicycle repair station. Absolutely brilliant idea!
The trail runs along the White River. This looks like a good place to fish.
A boardwalk over some wetlands.
Every sunny spot along the trail seemed to have black-eyed susans blooming. Along with various other flowers…
like this thistle.

We hope you did something cool to celebrate the holiday too!

P.S. We also discovered a problem with our scheduler. If you see this Tuesday it means we’ve fixed it.


Happy Birthday Great Uncle Charles Helmer


Happy birthday Great Grandma Katherine Kruempelmann Wellman

1 Comment

  1. Sherrey Kellogg

    Great pictures!

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