We recently hiked with a friend at Strawtown Koteewi Park. It’s a nice, nearby place to get a quick nature fix. We saw a bunch of lovely sights which I utterly failed to capture for posterity. But I did whip out the phone when we saw the baby snakes!

This little fella might have been a foot long (30cm) fully stretched out. He was racing across the trail and back into the woods just as fast as his little body would take him.

I’m not completely sure, but I think it’s a non-poisonous northern brown snake. It’s hard to identify really young snakes. Plus, I didn’t want to get super close, both just to be a nice person, and also because I could be wrong about the non-poisonous bit.

We soon saw another…

And then a third…

This little one was about eight inches (20cm).

There were more, but I didn’t get pictures.

You can see some pictures of bigger snakes here.