Andra Kellogg was born on December 9, 1941 in Rapid City, South Dakota. Her parents were George and Hazel Durfee Kellogg. She was my (Michelle’s) aunt.

I found a census record from 1950, showing the family living on St Patrick Street in Rapid City. I remember driving down that street and seeing the house as a kid.

Andra went to high school in Rapid City and college at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. I found these pictures of her. The one on the left is from high school and the one on the right is from college.

Andra married Karl Blaufuss on June 15, 1963 in Rapid City. She was living in Fort Benning, Georgia at the time. They lived in California and had two children. They divorced in 1979. Aunt Andra later moved to New Mexico, where she lived for many years. She died in May of 2022.

You can read more about Hazel, her mother here.
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