I love the spring, with new leaves and plants peeping up from the ground. As you wander in the woods, you see an amazing array of colors as the flowers start to bloom. Here are a few of my favorite pictures taken over many years in southern Indiana.

Trillium is another early blooming flower. The three spotted leaves of this variety are distinctive, as is the dark maroon flower. The may apples start out looking like a furled parasol and rapidly open. The flower is below the leaves.

There are several varieties of wild lilies. The trout lily has purple-brown spots on the bottom of the leaves. The Jack-in-the-pulpit isn’t very bright, but there is no mistaking it when you find it!

Sometimes you come across an area that used to be inhabited and became public lands later. You can see masses of hyacinths and daffodils in this shot.

As the season moves along, there are larger patches on flowers like this tickseed sunflower. This was taken on a day when there was a light snow shower, and you can see snow on the leaves!

Love these pics!