This time of year, people are heading back to school, so I pulled a few fun photos of our family’s school days. When we were visiting my folks earlier this year, they had found a bunch of my old school pictures.

I dug through some pictures I had scanned in, a couple of photo albums and yearbooks.

One of the first pictures I found while looking through the stacks was this one of my dad. He graduated high school in the early 1960’s. They certainly dressed up for their school pictures then.

This ID card belonged to Walt’s brother Tony. I don’t remember having ID cards in grade school, but I thought this was fun to find.

Tony’s ID card from St. Mary’s Grade School

Walt has always enjoyed speech and the like, so I found a couple of pictures of him. One is from a talent show where he and a friend were a ventriloquist and his “dummy.” The other is from his senior year, when he won a couple of awards at state.

While Walt was in speech, I was in drama, and enjoyed acting in plays. In “Bull In A China Shop,” I had to lie dead on stage for about a half hour.

The Theater Readers Present at Ankeny High School
Michelle’ graduation photo

And of course, a back to school retrospective would not be complete with out an embarrassing class photo. I had the appropriate hair for the mid-eighties!

I hope you have enjoyed a bit of a trip down memory lane and take a few minutes to think back on your own school days.