Noel Edward Manley was my (Michelle’s) great-uncle. He was born August 18, 1924 in Rapid City, South Dakota to Joe and Bessie Manley. He was part Oglala Lakota and supported organizations that gave back to the Native American Community.

Joanne, Noel, and Noel’s son, Richard. Sadly, they are all gone now.

After he graduated high school in 1942, he joined the Army Air Force and flew as a flight engineer with the 9th Pathfinders T.C. Group – 9th Air Force in Europe in 1944 and 1945. After the war, he worked in the family business, Manley Electric in Rapid City, South Dakota.

He married Suzanne Kellogg in 1944. She died in February 1972.

In 1985, he married Joanne Meier. They lived in Rapid City and enjoyed travel and spending time with family.

Uncle Noel was an interesting man, and could talk about a wide variety of subjects. He spoke very little about his war service, but he and Walt discussed it some when Walt spotted a model of a C47 at his home.

Noel and Walt, on a visit in South Dakota, 2002.

Noel died on September 19, 2006. His obituary can be found here.